Saturday, April 4, 2009

Refrigerator Efficiency

I read an article in a recent issue of the National Geographic Green Guide that suggested that I might save a shwack of cash by cleaning the condenser coils behind my refrigerator. As I hadn't (nor had my wife) done this since moving in to our condo four years ago, I figured it was overdue.

Back of the fridge before...

...and after.

Condenser fan before...

...and after.

The article suggested that this (combined with a couple of other tips) could save me $50 a year. Strangely enough, my utility bill arrived two days later and, for completely unrelated reasons, it showed a 12% decrease from the previous month.

Harbinger of good things to come?

1 comment:

Noisybear said...

nice cleaning job. your graphic pics should come with a pre post disclaimer for those with a dust bunny phobia.